If there could be a way to give more than 5/month, I'd like to know. I don't have much, but supporting people doing Good work is what the money is for

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SSSS inspired me to learn to draw to one day make comics, even if I'm not entirely sure where that's going at the moment, and Lovely People has given me a second wind since knowing my main source of inspiration shares a faith with me is encouraging. I'm certainly looking forward to your future work.

Also, it's cool knowing you're a fellow Baptist. I'm a Southern one myself.

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So excited to see what you create! It's going to be so weird once SSSS ends. I've been following that for years and I'm so used to it always being there!

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Imagine how weird it is for me hahah! I've worked on SSSS like 60-70 hours every week for the last 10 years almost, my brain is completely frazzled about how to transition over. x3

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Hello! I'm happy to be here and excited to see what will be coming in the future! :)

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Thank you Minna! I am looking forward to your coming art, and I am happy to support you in your new endeavor! Personally , I think there is a need for art and stories to be told through a Christian World View with themes that promote promote living a life that is holy, acceptable, and pleasing to God (Romans 12:1). :D

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I have been reading/following you since Redtail's Dream. Your art is gorgeous and your storytelling superb. Even a post-apocalyptic world with its disturbing abominations somehow remains artistically enthralling! Your character development keeps me coming back to see what happens next, day after day, week after week, year after year.

I was thrilled to learn of your salvation, welcome to the family sister!

I was ecstatic when you made Lovely People and purchased two copies, one for my family and one for our church's library!

Looking forward to your illustrated testimony and to see where the LORD leads you in the years to come.

PS - I'd guess you probably have an enormous support base in Finland, but if you ever need any help with hermeneutics and perhaps how to illustrate that, feel free to reach out ^_^

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Thank you so much!

And heheh, I'm not sure how big of a support base I have here in Finland, the overlap of people who are professing Christians and ALSO read webcomics in English is pretty darn small hahah. But I stumbled into the best congregation I could have ever wished for so I've got all the support base I need! And of course I've got all you guys online.

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It'll be sad to see SSSS go but I'm glad you're forging a new path and one involved with your faith no less! I'm awfully curious what sort of stories the others (outside of your testimony) may develop into. Like are you planning to create an original story with themes which point to theology or would it be more cut and dry bible stories?

No matter where you go tho I hope to support you through and through! good luck!

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Definitely more of the first kind! There's not really a lack of illustrated bible stories to fill people's needs already. I'm feeling like my specific skillset might be useful for creating a stepping stone for people who would like to understand deeper theology a bit more, but are intimidated by "bookish" books and are afraid to start.

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>u< oh then I'm super excited. Your story telling skills are pretty good so I'm interested to see the kinda stories that come from it then. I remember enjoying the lovely people comic (I even purchased the physical version to show to my family which they enjoyed) - do you think you'll print those as well? Maybe even your testimony too :0c though it may be a bit more of a personal story which I would understand why you may not want to print that one

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Oh I'll most likely print those too. Lots of people simply don't enjoy reading long form content on a screen, so I like providing a physical option. And of course in the coming decades, if the internet becomes more restricted as far as free distribution goes, relying on digital-only probably won't be the basket anyone should put all their eggs into, heheh

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