Another public comic progress update, website for the next comic
The testimony comic is nearly finished, and more info about the next comic
Hi everyone! Its been about 4 months since the previous public update post, so this works out nicely as a quarterly post. I have two things to update you all on!
Update number 1: The personal testimony comic is nearly done! I have about a month’s worth of work left, then I’ll first pre-release it to the paid Substack subscribers (maybe as a PDF, and then a week or two later put it up for free on my website. That’ll be sometime in November, I’ll let you all know once it’s out!
Update number 2: The prep work for the next comic has been progressing on the side too! I can’t wait for the testimony comic to be finished so that I can start working on pages for this one. It’s now officially titled “Journey Upstream” and I’ve made a pre-release website for it with a little bit of info and some artwork:
That’s also where I’ll be posting pages for it next year, once it’s ready to get going.
That’s it for now, the next update won’t be very long from now. I’m still in a bit of a social media hibernation, but I need to start waking up from that soon and start posting more art. Anyway, see you all soon!
Getting exhausted by the current entertainment landscape and this looks to be just what I need.
Well done, so excited! An early November release makes it into a nice birthday event for me haha. Seriously well done for being so consistent with your comic making, it takes a lot of determination. I hope that God is able to use your testimony comic for many great things.
Hyvin hoidettu! Hyvää työtä!
(sorry if I butchered Finnish haha)